
Cost Reduction Negotiation And Saving Initiatives

Following diagnosis and assessments is the strategic implementation of agreed-upon cost savings action plans. We meet with current suppliers and distributors to conduct direct negotiations on specs, service, price and other relevant terms for each category. We apply extensive negotiation expertise to establish best-in-class agreements and substantial results. If appropriate, we identify alternative suppliers to meet company requirements and conduct competitive bid processes to ensure optimal pricing and terms. We also evaluate suppliers’ proposals based on total costs and established criteria, applying the best sourcing strategy for each situation and providing the best deal for each of our clients.

Based on client preferences, we will manage the implementation plan (or co-manage with the participation of client’s representatives if desired). We negotiate on behalf of our clients and present them the best available terms. We conduct all business with integrity, ethical behavior and respect of our client’s image in the community. We also demonstrate flexibility and attention to detail to exceed our client’s expectations.
