Organization Assessment and Staff Training
Supply chain organization and purchasing expertise are key to achieving set goals and driving performance. We assess alignment and integration of the organization, and recommend optimization for better effectiveness and improvement. We articulate services and functions to be performed in-house or by outside service providers. We also establish a training framework and conduct customized training sessions to improve skills and competencies of current staff.
Performance Measurement and Monitoring
A standalone version of our core service: savings and tracking processes implementation. We review your organization’s supply chain processes and systems and compare them to industry standards. We recommend data driven, user friendly and highly intuitive tracking processes to deliver fast and reliable data reconciliation. We develop metrics and scorecards to monitor negotiated deals and red flag discrepancies.
Audits and Benchmarking
We assess the adequacy of internal controls (existence, implementation) in the area of supply chain management. If appropriate, we implement policies, procedures and processes to carry out upgraded internal control activities. We identify breaches in contractual agreements generating savings for your company. We benchmark your existing supply chain practices with industry standards and recommend action plans to reach or exceed standards levels.
Best Practice Implementation
Supply chain management is an increasingly complex task. Everyday your purchasing staff faces decisions with a significant impact on your business and your bottom line. Implementing industry best practice is a business imperative in order to remain competitive. Whether it is quality assurance, risk management, change process, controls and tracking, planning, compliance improvement, SKU reductions or globalization, you need to be at the top of your game. We can help you achieve best-in-class status.
Unlimited Potential
As we collaborate and align OPTIMBUY expertise and your needs, we will likely find additional ways to help you link your supply chain management with your organization’s overall company strategy. For example, we can negotiate on your behalf some specific, complex and important contracts with targeted suppliers or we can research and source innovative services and products. Whatever it takes, we are prepared to help you build the most effective solution.